Tuesday, October 18, 2023
SCION Day 2023
We invite you to relive the immersive experience where we explored the growth of SCION as a cutting-edge technology. Attendees gained deep insights into the many innovations and witnessed firsthand how it emerged as a robust solution for data communication not only in finance, but also for other industries as healthcare, energy, blockchain, education. Moreover, those who attended in person had the unique opportunity to connect with a vibrant community of like-minded professionals, thought leaders, and passionate SCION supporters.
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SCION standardization, open-source and more
Marcel Keller, CEO, SCION Association
Nicola Rustignoli, Community Manager & elect co-CEO, SCION Association
Luzius Cameron, General Secretary & elect co-CEO, SCION Association
Nicola Rustignoli, Community Manager & elect co-CEO, SCION Association
Luzius Cameron, General Secretary & elect co-CEO, SCION Association
Overcoming deployment and application challenges: Introducing the SCION Education Network
Prof. Dr. Adrian Perrig, ETH Zurich | Switzerland
Prof. Dr. David Hausheer, Universität Magdeburg | Germany
Prof. Dr. David Hausheer, Universität Magdeburg | Germany
Coffee break
Take a moment to relax, connect and recharge during our coffee break.
SCION at the Cyber-Defence Campus
Dr. Vincent Lenders, Director of Cyber-Defence Campus, armasuisse, Swiss Department of Defense, Civil Protection and Sports (DDPS) | Switzerland
Securing Internet Domain Validation with Multi-VA and SCION
Prof. Prateek Mittal, Princeton University | USA
SCION and modern blockchains: Opportunities and synergies
Dr. Markus Legner, Senior Software Engineer, Mysten Labs | USA
Building solid foundations for digital trust in the finance industry with SCION PKI
Marcel Suter, Partner, Director Solutions, libC Technologies | Switzerland
Fritz Steinmann, Senior Infrastructure Domain Architect, SIX | Switzerland
Fritz Steinmann, Senior Infrastructure Domain Architect, SIX | Switzerland
Lunch break
Take a break and join us for a refreshing lunch.
Innovating the European Internet space: my journey and SCION’s partnership with GÉANT
Klaas Wierenga, Internet Hall of Fame inductee & CTO GÉANT | The Netherlands
SCION in finance and beyond
Peter Thüring, Head Information Technology, Swiss National Bank | Switzerland
Cornelius Dorn, Head Strategy & Architecture, Banking Services, SIX | Switzerland
Cornelius Dorn, Head Strategy & Architecture, Banking Services, SIX | Switzerland
Protecting health data in today’s digital age
Urs Fischer, Head of Business Development & Innovation, Health Info Net AG | Switzerland
SCION activities at the Swiss Federal Administration
Erica Dubach Spiegler, Head of Transformation and Interoperability, Federal Chancellery’s Digital Transformation and ICT Steering Sector (DTI) | Switzerland
Panel discussion: Ensuring the secure exchange of information within critical infrastructures
Moderated by Dr. Christian Mauz, Partner, Eraneos | Switzerland
Urs Fischer, Head of Business Development & Innovation, Health Info Net AG | Switzerland
William Boye, Head Network Services,Swiss National Bank | Switzerland
Markus Riner, Head of Digitalization and IT, Association of Swiss Electricity Companies (VSE AES) | Switzerland
Urs Fischer, Head of Business Development & Innovation, Health Info Net AG | Switzerland
William Boye, Head Network Services,Swiss National Bank | Switzerland
Markus Riner, Head of Digitalization and IT, Association of Swiss Electricity Companies (VSE AES) | Switzerland
Coffee break
Take a moment to relax, connect and recharge during our coffee break.
Fireside chat: Seamless deployment for easy and quick adoption
Sam Hitz, CTO and co-founder, Anapaya | Switzerland
Panel discussion: Building the infrastructure for SCION to thrive
Stefan Berg, Head of PM Wireline B2B, Swisscom | Switzerland
Thomas Knüsel, CEO, Cyberlink | Switzerland
Markus Nispel, EMEA CTO, Extreme Networks | USA
Hugues Stiernon, Deputy Director, Solutions and Innovation, Telindus | Luxembourg
Andreas Wolf, SCION Ambassador, Sunrise | Switzerland
Thomas Knüsel, CEO, Cyberlink | Switzerland
Markus Nispel, EMEA CTO, Extreme Networks | USA
Hugues Stiernon, Deputy Director, Solutions and Innovation, Telindus | Luxembourg
Andreas Wolf, SCION Ambassador, Sunrise | Switzerland
Taking the Swiss SCION Internet to the global stage
Video contribution by Gerhard Andrey, National Councillor, Swiss Parliament | Switzerland